Buzz is Ten...and Eleven...and TWELVE months old!

The last time I updated my blog was November 20th.  I think that's the longest I've ever gone.  That's unbelievable to me.   Especially since I've been so busy with great work.  Christmas time is an INSANE time for a family photographer such as myself.  This year was the craziest yet and it was so wonderful!  I was very lucky to be blessed with a fantastic crop of clients at the end of the year.  Working with each of you on your Christmas cards, gifts for family and friends, and prints and canvases for your own walls was so fun.  You kept me so busy but it was always a happy busy!Of course, between all that work (that I couldn't share yet because they were all surprises for friends and families of my clients), my family being sick FOREVER, and, you know, CHRISTMAS, I have been a little behind on my own stuff.  Mainly, poor Buzz’s monthly updates.  Luckily, I never missed TAKING the picture on his monthly birthdays.  But I haven't posted and guys... GUYS.


So, we're lumping the last few months together in one post.  Sure, I could make up for lost time and do three separate posts but, let's just get on with it, shall we?  I've never been someone who spaces things out just because it's better for my SEO or my readership.  I'm no good at that.  I just like sharing what's happening in my world.  And right now, Buzz is happening in my world.  :)Here we go...

Every month, I take a photo of our son sitting in his Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair, just like I did with our daughter.  Here he is at ten months...

and at eleven months...

and at twelve months/ONE YEAR...

Some trivia about his twelfth month photo:

-His sister had a crown and balloons in her twelve month photo, so he had to as well.  I made him a simple, boyish crown from some leftover (Peter Pan costume) felt.  And I LOVE it.

-I took his twelve month photo in the same exact spot at his first month photo.  Yet it's a completely different backdrop because we recently added built in cabinets, window seats, and bookshelves to the room.  It has completely changed the space for the better and I love that we could do a throw back to his first photo without it being exactly the same.

-The stuffed fox you see in the background is the comfort item I bought for him before he was born.  I realize it may never play a big role in his life (kids always choose their own lovies and so far, Buzz's comfort item is still my hair....ugh), but I love that it ended up in the background of this photo.  I had no idea it was there when I setup the shot.  It used to sit in his crib before he was born.  And now he's a year old.  It's crazy.

-We picked the winner for this month and then, later, while checking a few things, I looked at the twelve month shot of Think.  In both, they're looking if toward their future.  I love that!  Take a look:

Here are some of the runners up from this twelve month shoot:

We like this one because he's reaching for the balloons..... but honestly, for me it's really because it's a good shot of his birthday crown.  HA!

A fitting goofy picture of our goofy boy.

Love this one of him standing.  We almost picked it as the winner but it didn't have his crown on in it so we decided to pick one that did.

And of course, this sweetness happened so I had to share.  She walked into the frame. said, "happy birthday, buddy" and kissed him on the head.  It was all kinds of awesome.

There you have it.  Now at least I've caught up on poor Buzz's monthly pictures.  We've finished the first year.  I feel very accomplished!  :)  Let's take a look back, shall we?


So.  My little post-Christmas vacation is over January 12th so I'll be back then with highlights from all the work I've been doing lately.  I can't wait.  There are some seriously cute kids coming your way.  Stay tuned.I hope you've had a great holiday season and are excited for all that 2015 will bring you.  I hope it brings us together for some awesome photo shoots!  Let's dream up something great!-Kerry:)


Buzz is Nine Months Old!


Tink is Two and A Half Years Old!