Buzz is Six Months Old!

Every month, I take a photo of our son sitting in his Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair, just like I did with our daughter.  Here he is at six months...


Every so often I theme the monthly photos around holidays.  This month included July 4th, so, I put him in a navy blue polo and some red white and blue shorts.  Since it was nice out, we used the backyard as a backdrop again.  He is sitting next to one of our blue hydrangea bushes.  That is a throwback to his sister's three month portrait that took place in July way back when:


I love this because where Tink is in her rocking chair is now a large fenced in edible garden with flowers and shrubs all around it.  We couldn't plop Conor in the same spot because there are peppers growing there now.  This was a treat to take a look and see the progress we've made on our yard in just two years.  Tink got a vase full of hydrangeas from my mother's yard; Buzz sits next to our garden fence (that wasn't there before) with plants all around him (that weren't there before) and next to a thriving hydrangea bush of our own.  Photographic proof of our progress makes me happy. :)

As always, we had some fun runner's up.  Take a look:


I love his eyebrows and his expression in the one above.  Teehee.




We're back to smiles again - which makes this Mumma so happy to see.  He just seems so old all of a sudden.And, hilarious: Lastly I had to throw this one in there because it represents that mass amount of teething that's been going on around here.  For MONTHS NOW.  He will chew on anything he can... and he has been a miserable little boy while trying to deal with all that pain in his mouth.  We've been able to SEE the teeth for weeks - I have no idea when those suckers are going to pop out but, man, come ON!  Put us all out of our misery please!!!

Here he is through the months:


Man I love this kid.



A look back on this Mother’s Day.


Buzz is Seven Months Old!